During the last two days (17-18.01) Polish and Lithuanian teams of ERDN were taking part in a kick-off meeting in Burgos (Spain) in a new Horizon Europe project #ESIRA – Enhancing Social Innovation in Rural Areas.

The main objective of ESIRA is to contribute to the roll out of place-based innovative social economy initiatives for rural inclusion and development in (marginalised) rural areas by supporting enabling frameworks, well interconnected policy architecture and directly piloting innovative solutions which ultimately build more inclusive, resilient and prosperous rural areas.
The project unites a consortium of 15 partners from 8 countries: Spain, Hungary, Serbia, Poland, Lithuania, Italy, Norway and France. These partners consist of universities, research institutes, networks, and local organizations responsible for project implementation.
We are responsible for WP3 – Framework setting for MAP’s operatings as community-led innovation spaces and 3 pilot platforms.