IX INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE of the Institute of Agricultural Economics –Agricultural Academy in the co-partnership with the European Rural Development Network „AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SUPPLY: MARKETS AND POLICIES” took place in Sofia (Bulgaria) on 25-26th October 2022. The event was organized in a hybrid format. During the event the representatives of a number of ERDN’s institutional partners presented their research results. Among them were: Институт по аграрна икономика (Bulgaria), Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy (Poland), Instytut Rozwoju Wsi i Rolnictwa PAN (Poland), USAMV Bucuresti (Romania),and AKI, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (Hungary).
ERDN Polish SHERPA team – Barbara Wieliczko and Pawel Chmielinski presented the results of the discussions held by the MAP Zielone Sąsiedztwo on the topic of diversification of rural economy – “Diversification of rural economy in times of green transition in the eyes of rural stakeholders. Case study of the Polish Mazowieckie region”