ERDN was taking part in the kick-off meeting of a new Horizon Europe SOILSCAPE project in Orleans (France) conducted by AFES – Association Française pour l’Etude du Sol. Barbara Wielczko was presenting our organisation and other members of ERDN team in this project: Katarzyna Gizińska, Cezary Klimkowski and Paweł Chmieliński. ERDN is responsible for WP5 – „Assess the impacts and ensure sustainability of the actions”.



The main goal of the project is to promote soil preservation across Europe and beyond. SoilScape objectives include understanding human-soil relations, building a network of more than 120 relevant actors in 8 countries, onboarding at least 320 individuals from society, providing 1,850,000€ as financal support to multi-actor platforms, schools, artists and institutions, distributing 375,000€ as awards, organising a soil festival, 80 soil literacy certifications to inspiring initiatives and reaching international scale through UNESCO and Coalition of Action for Soil Mission.