The meeting brought together project partners to share progress, discuss insights from research on human-soil relations across Europe, and participate in workshops. These discussions helped set the direction for future activities. Each participant left the meeting with fresh ideas and a stronger commitment to promoting open and inclusive soil literacy and culture through artistic practices and education.
Katarzyna Gizińska presented Work Package 5: „Assess the impacts and ensure sustainability of the actions,” led by ERDN. The first activities under WP5 are set to start in May 2025.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the organizers for creating an inspiring and productive environment for meetings, workshops, and idea exchanges, as well as for re-energizing all participants for the work ahead. Special thanks go to all the Polish participants who contributed to the project through interviews, Photovoice studies, and surveys. We received special acknowledgments from task leaders for your invaluable contributions and engagement – your involvement has made these results truly impactful!
SOILSCAPE harnesses the power of art, culture, and civil society organizations to promote soil preservation and education. Through artistic and educational activities, the project engages citizens and professionals across Europe and beyond.