The 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, entitled „Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems”, organised by the International Association of Agricultural Economists, was held in New Delhi from 2-7.08.2024, attended by nearly 2,000 delegates from academic units, organisations and government entities involved in rural and agricultural development.

During the Congress, representatives of ERDN Paweł Chmieliński, Zbigniew Floriańczyk and Barbara Wieliczko took partin the organised symposium entitled ‚Consequences of the Russian Invasion of Ukrainian for the World Agricultural Markets and the EU Food System: Current State and the Future Implications in the Context of Potential Accession of Ukraine to the EU‚ – Paweł Chmielinski and Zbigniew Floriańczyk as the speakers and Barbara Wieliczko as the discussant of the session. The symposium was attended by a representative of IAFE NRI (an institutional member of the ERDN) Prof. Szczepan Figiel (symposium chairman), as well as Dr Taras Gagalyuk of the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) and Prof. Hrabrin Bachev of the Institute of Agricultural Economics-Sofia (an institutional member of the ERDN), as speakers. The symposium was organised under the auspices and with the support of the European Rural Development Network.

The session entitled Linking Agri-Food Trade to Sustainable Development
Goals: Evidence from the TRADE4SD Project was actively attended by prof. Katarzyna Zawalińska from the Polish Academy of Sciences, IRWiR (an institutional member of the ERDN).

The congress was an opportunity to exchange views and knowledge, but also to establish valuable contacts with scientists from different parts of the world.


#ICAE2024 #AgriculturalEconomists #Sustainability #TRADE4SD