20 September, 2017, Budapest

Pre-conference booklet

The Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture (FM), together with the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI)  and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized its international conference on the theme of ’Added value of cooperation in bioeconomy research – international BIOEAST conference’ as part of the 78th National Agriculture and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK) in Budaest, Hungary.

The event presented the outcomes of the last two years of the BIOEAST (Central Eastern European Initiative for Knowledge-based Agriculture, Aquaculture and Forestry in Bioeconomy) initiative, and the challenges and the opportunities arising from cooperation on research and innovation in the Central and Eastern European macro-region. ERDN is supporting member of this initiative.

The conference objective was to discuss a macro-regional strategic research and innovation agenda (SRIA) covering not only the agri-food sector but also forestry, aquaculture and non-food areas of the bioeconomy. The experience of setting up the Initiative showed that, in addition to defining common challenges and topics, BIOEAST team also must develop cooperation skills and define unique resources in the BIOEAST macro-region.

During one of the break-out sessions of the conference ERDN representatives: Paweł Chmieliński (IAFE-NRI, Warszawa) and Klaus Wagner (AWI, Vienna) presented the ERDN as a good example of „Cooperation in a bottom up research network„. The presentation was followed by open discussion about challenges and opportunities in future development of ERDN. The moderator of the session was our colleague, Andrew Fieldsend (AKI, Budapest).

Again, BIOEAST initiative proved that a CEE macro-regional perspective, along with more vigorous EU-wide cooperation and strong European Commission (EC) support for the integration into the European Research Area, is necessary for implementing in an effective and efficient way tailored actions that are conducive to safe, secure and sustainable development. To achieve these ambitious goals the concepts of bioeconomy and macro-regional cooperation need to be made more understandable, and practical tips on how to succeed in widening participation should be shared.

Thank you organisers for invitation and great audience for interactive and very inspiring meeting!

Click to view full information and programme of the conference.

Presentations: http://bioeast.eu/article/added-value-of-cooperation-in-bioeconomy-research-international-bioeast-conference

BioEast site: http://bioeast.eu/