The Bioeconomy Innovation Week, a high-level virtual conference organised within the POWER4BIO project, will take place from 3rd to 5th March 2021. The theme of the conference nods to the potential of the bioeconomies in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in the light of the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the European Green Deal and the COVID-19 pandemic. The Bioeconomy Innovation Week will bring together different key actors in the bioeconomy sectors, for example high-level policymakers, representatives of the European Commission and scientists from key bioeconomy projects and initiatives that are active across the CEE countries. Among them, several bioeconomy HUBs (including BIOEAST and BIOEASTsUP) and networks from the EU (like ERDN) will also be involved in the Bioeconomy Innovation Week.
The meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. Participation in the Bioeconomy Innovation Week is free and open to everybody, you can find the link for registration below. For more details, please download the agenda below.
Here you can register for the Bioeconomy Innovation Week.
ERDN and BIOEASTsUP project will be presenting their activities during this event:
Day 1 (3.03.2021):
Session I: The potential of the bioeconomies in the CEE countries in light of the new CAP, the European Green Deal, and the COVID-19 pandemic
9:30 – 9:45: Introduction of the BIOEAST Initiative, speaker: Barna Kovács, BIOEAST Secretary General
Session II: The development level of bioeconomies in Central and Eastern European countries
11:55 – 12:15: The current state of the bioeconomy and the related sectors in the BIOEAST countries, speakers: Markus Lier and Biljana Kulišić, Task leaders, BIOEASTsUP Project
12:15 – 12:35: How could the CEE countries and/or their regions measure the development and/or success of their bioeconomies, speaker: Martin Banse, Director, Thünen Institute of Market Analysis
Day 2 (4.03.2021):
Session III: Discovering the role of projects in exploiting the potential of the bioeconomies in the CEE countries
9:00 – 9:15: The role of the BIOEASTsUP Project, speaker: Magdalena Borzęcka, Coordinator, BIOEASTsUP
9:15 – 9:30: The role of the ERDN, speaker: Paweł Chmieliński, Coordinator, ERDN
Session IV: Discovering the role of HUBs, platforms, and clusters in boosting the regional
bioeconomies in the CEE countries
10:45 – 11:00: The role of the Bioeconomy HUB in Czechia, Marie Kubánková, Coordinator, BIO-HUB
11:00 – 11:15: The role of the Bioeconomy Platform in Poland, Magdalena Borzęcka, Coordinator, IUNG
Session V: The role of TWGs in boosting the regional bioeconomies in the CEE countries
13:00 – 13:15: The role of Food Systems TWG in the BIOEAST Initiative – speaker: Paweł Chmieliński, Leader, BIOEAST Food Systems TWG, ERDN