Check the agenda and book of abstracts! XV ERDN Conference: Innovation and Cooperation in Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Regions, 3-4 Oct 2017, Eisenstadt, Austria. Host:

Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Vienna, Austria
European Rural Development Network
XV European Rural Development Network Conference:
Innovation and Cooperation in Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Regions
3-4 October 2017, Eisenstadt, Austria
Conference materials:
Studies in Agricultural Economics vol.120(1) 2018
Report on the 15th European Development Network Conference. In: ÖGA-Blog, Egartner, S.; Niedermayr, J.; Wagner, K., 2017-11-20
Innovation and Cooperation in Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Regions
The European Rural Development Network (ERDN) integrates various European research institutions, which are involved in analysing the transformation process of rural areas particularly in Central-Eastern Europe ( The main objectives are to advance international knowledge transfer and scientific cooperation in rural development and agriculture, as well as to share and promote scientific experiences and achievements in order to support policy makers and stakeholders. The annual conferences, organised since 2002, are the basis for achieving these objectives.
Efforts in previous Common Agricultural Policy periods have enabled agricultural development but also promoted integrating other sectors of the rural economy and emphasised social and environmental concerns in rural development programmes. In the current period of the rural development policy one of the six EU priorities is dedicated to fostering knowledge transfer and innovation in a very broad sense.
Innovation does not only refer to technology, products or processes, but likewise to social, organisational and governance aspects, including any forms of horizontal and vertical cooperation and communication. This approach shall contribute to improving regional competitiveness in an increasingly challenging economic environment while securing the sustainable use of resources, the provision of eco-system services, food security, social and human capital. Innovation could arise from regional strengths and regional identities and should enable broad participation in the innovation process.
Conference objectives and topics
The conference aims to stimulate methodological, theoretical and empirical contributions which provide explanations and definitions for the above mentioned policy buzzwords in the rural development context (social, organisational, governance innovation, cooperation, communication). First experiences from the RDP 2014-2020 projects or results of the evaluation process may be available for presentations in autumn 2017. Participants are encouraged to submit contributions which take into account the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the objectives of the Paris Climate Change Agreement 2015 or the ten topics of the Cork 2.0 declaration for a better life in rural areas. Abstracts for oral or poster presentations should fit in with one of the following topics:
- What kind of innovation activities happen in rural development (case studies, good practices, new business models)?
- Which circumstances lead to innovation, which obstacles and solutions exist?
- What are the preconditions of successful innovation from the rural community side?
- What are the actual/potential effects, impacts of innovation activities?
- Which strategies/incentives/measures could stimulate further innovation?
- How long term effectiveness of innovations can be measured, benchmarked
Apart from papers regarding these questions, contributions focusing on the recent evolution in rural development and agricultural economics can be submitted. Practitioner papers and reports, case studies and academic research papers are accepted.
Important dates
Date | Description |
15 April, 2017 | Submission of extended abstracts |
30 June, 2017 | Notification of acceptance of papers/posters |
1 September, 2017 | Registration |
1 September, 2017 | Pre-reservation, special rate for hotel reservation |
22 September, 2017 | Submission of presentations |
3-4 October, 2017 | ERDN Conference |
29 December, 2017 | Submission of full papers |
Guidelines for authors. Beside oral presentations there will be the possibility to present posters, please indicate clearly your preference on the attached authorship file which also gives advice to format and length of abstracts. Each abstract will be ‘double-blind’ peer reviewed for inclusion in the conference programme by members of the conference Scientific Board. In case of too many paper submissions the organising committee reserves the right to ask for poster presentation instead of oral presentation.
Abstracts, posters and full papers should be submitted to:
Abstract template: Authorship file.docx
Presentations, conference language. Each oral presentation will be given 15 minutes which can be accompanied by slides in PowerPoint® format. A poster session will give the possibility to discuss poster contributions. The entire conference will be held in English without translation facilities. During the two full days of the meeting, three thematic sessions (depending on submitted papers) and a half day field trip are scheduled.
Conference venue
Eisenstadt, Austria (,
Hotel Burgenland (
Registration fee, accommodation, transport. The number of participants is limited. There is no conference fee. Refreshments and meals are provided. Participants are expected to pay their own travelling expenses and accommodation incl. breakfast and are responsible for their room reservation. AWI provides an opportunity for transportation from Vienna city centre to the conference venue.
Publication of Proceedings. Following the conference the participants will be given the opportunity to revise their papers. The conference proceedings will then be published in a volume of the ERDN yearbook “Rural areas and development in collaboration with the Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics (AT).
Scientific and Organizing Committees
Scientific Committee:
- Agnieszka Baer-Nawrocka, Poznan University of Life Sciences, Poland
- Biró Szabolcs, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary
- Paweł Chmieliński, European Rural Development Network and IAFE-NRI, Poland
- Sigrid Egartner, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Austria
- Andrew Fieldsend, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary
- Garay Róbert, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Hungary
- Julia Niedermayr, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Austria
- Vladimir Szekely, Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
- Monica Tudor, Academy of Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania
- Klaus Wagner, Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics, Austria
- Dan Marius Voicilas, Academy of Sciences, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania
Organizing Committee (Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics – AWI):
- Sigrid Egartner,
- Julia Niedermayr,
- Klaus Wagner,
- Martina Wimmer
Sigrid Egartner, Klaus Wagner
Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics
Marxergasse 2
1030 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 877 36 51 637437 or +43 1 877 36 51 637426
Also check past ERDN Conference (2016): Knowledge sharing and innovation in agriculture and rural areas, Budapest (HU).